Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Problem Set #18 help

#1) Use the scale 1/2 to 1/3 to change 2 inches into the new package size. Perhaps a table would help. 1 inch would be 2/3 of an inch.

#2) The image of the arch in St. Louis measures 1 inch.  If 1/2 inch is 7 feet how long would 1 inch be??

#3) The scale drawing is 2 inches long. So multiply by the scale factor.

#4) Multiply the length by the scale factor (the answer is a really big number because its a skyscraper)

#5) Multiply your height in the picture by the scale factor.

#6) This time multiply by 1/4 to find the length and the width of the stamp (it's a pretty big stamp)

#7) Multiply the length and width of the room by 1/2 since 1 inch corresponds to 2 feet.

#8) The bedroom is 1/2 inch wide and 1 and 1/4 inches long. What are the real life dimensions. Is your answer reasonable?

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