Wednesday, December 17, 2014


 Module 2 Mid-Module Assessment PART II

is Thursday the 18th

Students have been working most of the week on a review packet and using the nine-step writing process as a tool to help them study.  They should be looking over their practice test tonight.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lesson 10 Problem Set

Math 7:

Homework tonight: Problem Set #10, the picture of the integer game cards goes with question #2.

Math Analysis:

TEST tomorrow

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014



The Mid Module assessment for Module 2 will be held after thanksgiving break

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday the 20th

Homework tonight Lesson #8

Read the directions carefully and look back at the notes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Look here for some number line graph paper

Number Lines Graph Paper

Problem Set #7

Math 7 Homework: Problem Set #7

Be sure to show a number line and a number sentence or equation.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Monday Monday

Math 7- Problem Set #3 is due today and Problem Set #4 will be due on Wednesday. There will be a quiz on Thursday

Problem Set #4 Hints

1e. Use common denominators

2. Two of these are correct

Thank you to all of our Veteran's for their service.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

TEST tomorrow

Tomorrow in class we will be finishing our end of module assessment.  

Please continue to study the practice test which we went over in class Monday and Tuesday.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday's Homework

This Friday we are having a slightly nontraditional homework assignment. Tonight we should be doing Exit Ticket #22 for homework.  There is an ERROR that you need to fix.  The number 175 is in the incorrect spot in the table.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lesson #20 Homework

Tonight's homework is a chance to show off your creativity. On the provided graph paper construct your "dream" classroom.  Use the guidelines we talked about in class and remember that we are creating a "birds-eye" view.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Problem Set #19

***Adjusted Assignment***

Problem Set #19 odds only


1. Find the area of the shaded region.  Then make a ratio with the actual area. 

3. The dimensions of Store 1 is 1.5 by 1.75 (use fractions instead of decimals I would but my blog doesn't like fractions.  Store 2 is 1.25 by 1.75.

5. Use the scale factor to find the area.  You do not have to make any measurements on this problem. Ignore the shaded region.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Problem Set #18 help

#1) Use the scale 1/2 to 1/3 to change 2 inches into the new package size. Perhaps a table would help. 1 inch would be 2/3 of an inch.

#2) The image of the arch in St. Louis measures 1 inch.  If 1/2 inch is 7 feet how long would 1 inch be??

#3) The scale drawing is 2 inches long. So multiply by the scale factor.

#4) Multiply the length by the scale factor (the answer is a really big number because its a skyscraper)

#5) Multiply your height in the picture by the scale factor.

#6) This time multiply by 1/4 to find the length and the width of the stamp (it's a pretty big stamp)

#7) Multiply the length and width of the room by 1/2 since 1 inch corresponds to 2 feet.

#8) The bedroom is 1/2 inch wide and 1 and 1/4 inches long. What are the real life dimensions. Is your answer reasonable?

8th Period Math Analysis

The 8th period Math Analysis is participating in the stock market game.  This involves a simulation where students are tasked with the job of managing a $100,000 portfolio.  It is very interesting to see and hear the different investing strategies students are using to build their investment portfolio.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework Help #17

Tonight's HW help brought to you with help from Wyatt and the rest of 9th period Home-base.

#1. One of the issues with this question is the use of cm and km in the same problem.  You need to make a ratio comparing the distance on the map to the actual distance (4cm : 56 km) then reduce.  In the end you should change the units so they match
 (1 km = 10000 cm)

#2.  Use only one of the measurements (length or width).  Again the units do not match but we know that 3 ft is 36 inches.  So the scale factor is found by making a ration comparing the scale drawing size to the actual.  (hint the answer online is incorrect)

#3.  The length of the actual battery is 1.5 inches and the scale drawing is 2.5 inches. Make a ration using these numbers.  You should know which one is the numerator

#4. The trick is they give you one diameter and one radius.  The diameter of the actual volleyball is 24 cm.  The diameter of the scale drawing is 12 cm. Make a ratio using these numbers.

#5a. Sketch (without a ruler) an envelope that is 3 times as big as the orginal.  Use the techniques we used in class

#5b, this is a reduction it should shrink in size to make it easier use 3/4 as the scale factor. The picture is a tag. That is 4 inches wide making the scale drawing 3 inches wide.

#6 Draw a triangle (right) using the scale factor (which means to mulitply) so 6 inches times 1/4 is 1.5 inches.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


There will be a quiz tomorrow on Module 1 material:

Topics could be:

Unit Rate

Problem Set #16 will also be collected

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Problem Set #15

There is an error on the graph for tonight's problem set.  In question 3 the graph is mislabeled.  The km and miles should be switched.  There are 8 km in 5 miles. (thank you Mrs. Clark)

Monday, October 13, 2014

5 week grades

Families and students should have received their 5 week progress reports in the mail by now.  You will notice that the grade for Math 7 is missing.  Please accept my apologies for this missing information.  Due to a family medical emergency I missed several days of school and was unable to enter the grades into the system.  This week I will send home detailed grade reports with every student.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Short Week this week

October is here!!!
Note to self....start blogging more

The homework for last night was Problem Set #13 question 1-3 only

Don't forget about things like the C.O.P. and Unit Rates they were certainly applicable to tonight's assignment

Please make sure you are turning in your homework when it is assigned and including your name!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Homework help for #4a

Read the following from your problem set lesson summary for help with 4a.

Lesson Summary:
The points (0,0) and (1, r), where r is the unit rate, will always fall on the line representing two quantities that are proportional to each other.

 The unit rate r in the point (1, r) represents the amount of vertical increase for every horizontal increase of 1 unit on the graph.

 The point (0,0) indicates that when there is zero amount of one quantity, there will also be zero amount of the second quantity.

These two points may not always be given as part of the set of data for a given real-world or mathematical situation, but they will always fall on the line that passes through the given data points.

Parent Night Tonight

Looking forward to seeing many parents and students tonight at Parent Night 6pm-8pm

Math 7 HW
Problem Set #10 questions 3,4 only (page 2)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Tonight's HW

Problem Set #9

1-3 Only

Remember from 5th and 6th grade...

 For equations such as y = 3x – 2, the dependent variable is y. The value of y depends on the value chosen for x. Usually the dependent variable is isolated on one side of an equation. Formally, a dependent variable is a variable in an expressionequation, or function that has its value determined by the choice of value(s) of other variable(s).

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday 9/22/2014

Tonight's HW

Problem Set #8
 Questions 4, 5, 6 only

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Poster Project

Today's Proportion Poster Project was great...

Many nice posters in all classes.

Quiz this Friday

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Problem Set #4 Due Monday 9/15

Reminder Reminder Reminder

 Problem Set #4 is due on Monday

Please remember to bring your binder to class everyday!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday September 11th

Math 7- Problem Set #3 questions 1-4 and 7,8 (assignment is on two pages)

Math Analysis- In-Class work

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday 9/10/2014

STAR tests for math will occur Thursday and Friday

Math 7- Tonight's HW is problem set #2

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 2

Week 2 is here

Monday 9/8/2014

Tonight's HW: Module 1 Lesson 1 ODDS ONLY

Monday, July 21, 2014

Transitioning through middle school math...

Getting ready for 2014-2015

Stay tuned for updates....

Excited to start another school year here at ACS!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Final Exam Week

Final Exam's this week

As the 2013-2014 school year comes to a close it is time to reflect on what we have learned and how we have grown as mathematics students and individuals.  

The mathematics 7 final exam will start Wednesday June 11th.

It will consist of 50 multiple choice questuions from modules 4, 5, and 6

Topics will include:
  •  geometry
  • angles
  • circles
  • statistics
  • probabilty
  • proportional relationships
  • chance experiments
  • random samples

Students will have an opportunity to review this week and study some of the important vocabulary that pertains to these final exam topics.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7th 2014

State TESTS are done!!

This week:

Monday: Lesson 6
Tuesday: Lesson 7
Wednesday Lesson 8
Thursday: Quiz  (Probability)
Friday: Lesson 9

Thursday, April 24, 2014

4th Marking Period So Far...

This week we continue to prepare for the NYS Math 7 Exam

The following homework's have been assigned this marking period:

Module 4 lesson 5
Module 4 lesson 6
Module 4 lesson 7

Module 5 lesson 1
Module 5 lesson 2
Module 5 lesson 3
Module 5 lesson 4 (TODAY)
Module 5 lesson 5 (Friday)

At this point we have not had any tests or quizzes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sample TEST questions

Check the link out below for sample test questions in ELA and Math

Tonight's HW 4/8/2014

Tonight's Homework will be for students to get their grade sheet signed and returned.

This will count for their Notebook/Binder grade this marking period.

An easy 10% of the overall marking period average.

Module 4 Answer Keys

Click here to find the module 4 answer key

Week ending 4/4/2014

ELA State tests are now complete!!!

Math State tests will be April 30th, 31st and May 1st

Homework Last week

Problem Sets 

2, 3, and 4

3rd Marking Period Ends Soon

Link to Module 4

The above link will take you to the Module 4 resources

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26th 2014

No HW tonight

Tomorrow in class we will spend additional time in class finishing the mid-module assessment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday 3/25/2014

TEST TEST TEST TEST-----Wednesday 3/26/2014

Tomorrow in class students will take their Mid-Module Assessment

A review test was passed out in class today.

HW# 15 was also collected in-class today

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Upcoming Event

Common Core Information Night 5pm-6pm  MARCH 24th

The 7th grade team would like to invite the parent's/guardian's of students currently enrolled in 7th grade to an informational session.  

Topics will include:
  • Upcoming NYS testing information
  • Useful websites
  • Sample Common Core lessons
  • Report Card break down
  • Eligibility

Tuesday March 18th 2014

Tonight's HW #13 (front page only)

Quiz later this week. (one and two step equations and angles)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday 3/11/2014

Homework tonight #10

Set up and solve equations based on the angle diagrams.

Use notes to assist.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Week in review

Week of 3/3/2014 through 3/7/2014
  • HW #9 will not be collected
  • 5 page packet will count for quiz points
  • next week starts with classwork #10
  • class sale orders due Monday 3/10/2014 to your class advisors
  • Spring sports practices are starting 
  • Daylight Saving time begins this weekend

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcome Back

Module 3 Problem Set #2  odds only (HW) is due on 2/24/2014

Be ready for an upcoming quiz this week.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Homework Tonight Module 3 Lesson 1

Remember Module 3 Lesson 1 

Problem Set: EVEN's only

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Common Core Fluencies

How comfortable are you with the fluencies listed above?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6th 2014 End of Module Assessment on Monday 2/10/2014

End Of Module Assessment Monday 2/10/2014

A practice test will be given in class on Friday

Please study this over the weekend

Problem Set #23 Due at the beginning of class.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4th 2014

HW #20 due in class today

There will be no HW #21

HW #22 assigned in class today (equation solving)

End of Module Assessment Soon

Review sheet will be coming home!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Half-Way Done

The second marking period officially ends today.  We have made it half-way through.

HW  #19 Tonight

Question 3 is optional.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Finishing Midterms Friday

Please remember to bring a pencil to class Friday to complete your bubble sheet for the midterm.

Next week:

STAR test's in ELA and Math

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mid Term EXAM

Mid Term exams will be starting this week in many classes for 7th graders here at ACS.

The math 7 midterm exam will be 1/23 and 1/24 and will consist of 50 multiple choice questions.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mid Module Assessment

Mid-Module assessment tomorrow in class. 

Please study the recent Exit tickets that we have reviewd in class as well as your classwork notes from.

Remember the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers and rational numbers.

Integer Song Video for addition and subtraction

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mid-Module Assessment this Week

New Link to check out:

The district has compiled a collection of common core resources for you to explore

Later this week we will complete the mid-module assessment for Module 2, which was split into two parts.

Tonight's homework is problem set #16

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Time to warm up with a math quiz this Friday.

This quiz will cover long division.  Students should be able to use the long division algorithm to convert fractions into decimals. Calculators will not be used for this quiz.

Homework this week:

Problem set #14 and #15 so far