Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7th 2011

Are regents exams curved?

That is an excellent question, the word used by the state is "scaling" which is their way of making sure that each test is of equal difficulty from year to year. More information can be found here.

Examples of recent scaling:

Jan 2011 A2 Trig

Raw score 47 out of 88 possible (53.4%) resulted in a scaled score of 65.

Jan 2011 Geometry

Raw score of 40 out of 86 possible (46.5%) resulted in a scaled score of 65.

Jan 2011 Integrated Algebra

Raw score of 30 out of 87 possible (34.4%) resulted in a scaled score of 65.

What does this mean in real life terms?

In my opinion, it is much harder to pass the A2/Trig regents than any other math regents not only because of the difficulty of the material but the change in scaling that happens. Students must put a great deal more effort into preparing for this regents. Review classes are available most Wednesdays and students should be working at home out of their green review books.

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