Thursday, April 24, 2014

4th Marking Period So Far...

This week we continue to prepare for the NYS Math 7 Exam

The following homework's have been assigned this marking period:

Module 4 lesson 5
Module 4 lesson 6
Module 4 lesson 7

Module 5 lesson 1
Module 5 lesson 2
Module 5 lesson 3
Module 5 lesson 4 (TODAY)
Module 5 lesson 5 (Friday)

At this point we have not had any tests or quizzes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sample TEST questions

Check the link out below for sample test questions in ELA and Math

Tonight's HW 4/8/2014

Tonight's Homework will be for students to get their grade sheet signed and returned.

This will count for their Notebook/Binder grade this marking period.

An easy 10% of the overall marking period average.

Module 4 Answer Keys

Click here to find the module 4 answer key

Week ending 4/4/2014

ELA State tests are now complete!!!

Math State tests will be April 30th, 31st and May 1st

Homework Last week

Problem Sets 

2, 3, and 4

3rd Marking Period Ends Soon

Link to Module 4

The above link will take you to the Module 4 resources