Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28th 2010

Alg2/Trig: TEST tomorrow on chapter 0

Algebra B: SLOPE....y=mx+b....line equations

ACE Calc: HW,HW, HW please do not get behind, Test soon chapter P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Septmeber 22nd, 2010

Algebra B: Quiz Today, finish homework on direct variation

PSM: Evaluating function

Alg2/Trig: Quiz today continue chap 0

ACE Calc: Let's finish up chapter P

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alg2/Trig: Online textbook can be found at http://glencoe.com/ose/ use the code: A422F58235
Look for the Hotmath homework help as well on the glencoe website.

September 16th 2010

All Syllabus should be signed by now

Algebra B: Slope HW

Alg2/Trig: HW from packet

PSM: Integer HW

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9th

HW for most classes:

Please review syllabus with parents and return with signature. This will count as the first HW assignment and should be complete by Tuesday the 14th of September.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday September 8th

Day One is almost complete, hopefully everyone is getting the hang of the new traffic patterns. Most of my classes will need a 3 ring binder for class handouts, be on the lookout for nice 2inch (or bigger) binders. Thank you to all the students for making the first day a success.