Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th 2010

Algebra B: Quiz Monday 12/6

Alg2/Trig: Quiz Monday 12/6

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Nov 29th 2010

Algebra B: QUIZ corrections are due and are critically important.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday November 11th 2010

Thank you to all the Veteran's who have served our country.

Algebra B: TEST Chapter 6 on Friday


Alg2/Trig: Quiz SOE and SOI

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday November 5th 2010

ACE Calc: Labs due ASAP.

A2/Trig: Starting chapter 3 HW p149 #13-#47 Every Other Odd

Algebra B: Notebook/Binder checks Next Week

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Please adjust the HW for tonight to

p 105



Tuesday, October 26, 2010




p 949 section 2.3 1-4

p 950 section 2.4 3-8

Tuesday October 26th

Algebra B: Do not lose your new packets for chapter 6

Alg2/Trig: Quiz tomorrow Slope and Line Equations

PSM: Graded Worksheets

ACE Calculus: TEST tomorrow

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday October 25th 2010

Algebra B: Chapter 5 test

ACE Calculus: Keep up with the labs

Alg2/Trig: Continue with chapter 2

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday October 20th 2010

Algebra B: Chapter 5 test soon, will include slope, line equations, parallel and perpendicular lines and more.

ACE Calculus: Lab #2 Limits

Alg2/Trig: Continue chapter 2

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday October 15th

ACE Calculus

Lab #1 is due October 20th

Read section 1.4 this weekend

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13th 2010

Alg2/Trig: Chapter One test soon

Algebra B: HW tonight worksheet

ACE Calc: Lab #1 due soon

PSM: Printing Project

Open House is october 21st, mark your calendars

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28th 2010

Alg2/Trig: TEST tomorrow on chapter 0

Algebra B: SLOPE....y=mx+b....line equations

ACE Calc: HW,HW, HW please do not get behind, Test soon chapter P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Septmeber 22nd, 2010

Algebra B: Quiz Today, finish homework on direct variation

PSM: Evaluating function

Alg2/Trig: Quiz today continue chap 0

ACE Calc: Let's finish up chapter P

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alg2/Trig: Online textbook can be found at use the code: A422F58235
Look for the Hotmath homework help as well on the glencoe website.

September 16th 2010

All Syllabus should be signed by now

Algebra B: Slope HW

Alg2/Trig: HW from packet

PSM: Integer HW

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September 9th

HW for most classes:

Please review syllabus with parents and return with signature. This will count as the first HW assignment and should be complete by Tuesday the 14th of September.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday September 8th

Day One is almost complete, hopefully everyone is getting the hang of the new traffic patterns. Most of my classes will need a 3 ring binder for class handouts, be on the lookout for nice 2inch (or bigger) binders. Thank you to all the students for making the first day a success.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

We are almost ready to start another year. While you are doing your back to school shopping be on the look out for great deals on graphing and scientific calculators. There have been some great deals at Staples and Wal-Mart.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6th 2010

Please remember to bring your textbooks and calculator to turn in. Finals start on Thursday and Friday

Final Exams

Algebra B: Old Regents Exam

Alg2/Trig: Multiple Choice focusing on Trig

Math Analysis: 5o questions multiple choice

PSM: 50 questions multiple choice

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26th 2010

REGENTS Review Classes are ongoing....How many have you attended?

Review books are available at Barnes and Noble for a low price. Some students have found them helpful in the past. The key to success on the Alg2/Trig Regents is studying outside of class. Form a study group of classmates and go over Regents questions at home.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12th 2010

REVIEW Classes are now being held. Check the schedule that has been provided to students.

Also double check when your Regents exams are. The schedule is available online at

Make sure to check the time since our regents normally start at 8am or 12pm

Friday, April 30, 2010

NO Headphones
or Ear buds will be allowed in room 218. Education is our #1
With less than 10 weeks to go its time to buckle down and stay focused. Be looking for a regents review schedule soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 13th 2010


If you are attending CCC and taking the math placement test you may find the following links useful. They provide information about the placement tests for Math and English and sample questions.

CCC Placement test process

Accuplacer TEST samples

Look around this site for test taking tips and links to other useful information

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5th 2010

Spring is here (feels like summer already)...

The third marking period is almost over, review class will begin soon probably after spring break.

Alg2/Trig: Online textbook can be found at use the code: A422F58235
Look for the Hotmath homework help as well on the glencoe website.

Algebra B: Axis of Symmetry

Math Analysis: Yellow formula card for test tomorrow

PSM: Almost done with the stock market game.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22nd 2010

Spring is here!!!!

Algebra B: Graphing Quadratic Equations

Math Analysis: Finishing up law of Cosines, Sines, Area Formulas etc.

Alg2/Trig: Natural Logarithm's

PSM: Tracking your investments

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15th 2010


1. Separate sheet of paper
2. Write out question
3. Write out answer
4. Explain why it is the correct answer
5. Parent signature

TEST corrections can have a significant impact on overall marking period grades.

Whats going on in my other classes?

Math Analysis: Force Diagrams using Law of Cosines and Sines

PSM: Stock Market Game: What is a mutual fund?

Algebra B: Quadratic Equations

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3rd 2010


I have distributed over 144 pencils to date and have exhausted my supply. Please come to class prepared with a writing utensil.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12th 2010

Winter Week:

Enjoy the Winter Week Assembly today and vacation next week. Be sure to relax and come back prepared for the rest of the third marking period. Check out the Winter Olympics if you get a chance, they are always fun to watch.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25th 2010


Today we will finish up midterms in class. If you are absent it is up to you to schedule a time to come in and make them up. Please keep in mind that I will be proctoring and grading regents exams and will only be available if prior arrangements are made.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20th 2020

Students please remember how the grading policy works

40% tests
30% quizzes
20% HW
10% Notebook/Binder

Midterms start on Friday, they will cover the material learned to date in each of the courses.

Students please remember that you are responsible for making up missed work when you are out. This includes tests and quizzes which must be made up in a timely fashion when you have time (ie. advisement, studyhall, after-school). If no attempt is made to schedule a time I will enter a zero in the gradebook.

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15th 2010

Midterms and Regents exams start the 22nd thru the 29th be sure to check your schedule.

Also check out this link to see graduation requirements for mathematics

Also remember to attend review class that are being offered for most Jan. Regents exams.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th 2010

Wow Time really flies...

Can you believe it is January?

Check out the January Regents schedule at

Also remember that Review classes are available check the Addison Post or with your child's teacher for times and locations.

Midterms are also fast approaching, for most classes they will consist of 50 multiple choice questions.