Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 31st 2009

Regents week is over...

Welcome back again, hopefully we are well rested and ready to start the second semester.

When we return please be prepared to dissect and demystify the Integrated Algebra and Math B regents exams. We have 5 months to prepare for the June exams.

The January regents exams are available online and I suggest you look them over and begin to think about what each of you will need to do to prepare for these exams. Students who are successful on these exams typically spend time outside of class preparing for them. Remember math AIS and math study groups are available to assist you.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22. 2009


Please take your time on your mathematics midterms.

3 days are provided so their is no need to rush.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

Math Review was held tonight there were no students for Math B regents review but 6 for math study group.

Alg2/Trig: Exponents

Math Analysis: Stock Market

Algebra B: Factoring

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome Back

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone is looking forward to 2009 as much as I am.

Some of you will be preparing for January Regents exams. Please see an ACS math teacher for information regarding review classes and preparing for these exams.